UI Kits / Free Sneat Dashboard UI Kit
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Free Sneat Dashboard UI Kit
Anand Patel avatar image
by Anand Patel
Compatible with
Personal & Commercial Use
License info
Atomic Design
Auto Layout
Easy to Customize
500+ Components
Text Variables
Well Organized
Download (57.45 MB)
The most feature-rich neat and clean design system with ready-to-use components and elements for building a seamless user experience.πŸš€ Sneat Figma Dashboard UI Kit offers carefully crafted apps, Real-life dashboards, dark & light layouts, Pages, and many more features. Besides, this is one of the best Figma UI kits which is built with an atomic design system & auto layout. Furthermore, You can now kick start your next Figma project by using Just drag and drop pre-made components from the Assets panel. In addition, you can also configure them in the right sidebar. Fast and simple, as should be. Furthermore, the Sneat Figma dashboard UI kit also helps you to easily set up colors, typography & shadow that changes everywhere instantly in UI Kit. Also, this Figma Admin Dashboard UI kit allows you to easily update the state of the component. Besides, you don’t need to be afraid to change a variant if you edit a component. The settings you have configured will be saved, such as text, icons, and even size. Thus, the Sneat Figma Dashboard UI kit is one of the best Figma UI Kits you will ever need.
Anand Patel avatar image Anand Patel
Hi there! My name is Anand and for the past 7 years I've dedicated my life to learning and getting to know everything graphics and UI/UX related.
Free Sneat Dashboard UI Kit
Download (57.45 MB)