UI Kits / Dashboard UI Kit - Dashboard (Demo)
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Dashboard UI Kit - Dashboard (Demo)
ByeWind avatar image
by ByeWind
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๐Ÿ‘‹Hello โ–ถ Preview in Figma https://www.figma.com/proto/D0wxHPnFMOwxGRYpTs9MrF/Dashboard-UI-Kit---Dashboard?page-id=0%3A1&type=design&node-id=549-8646&viewport=-106%2C-13%2C0.24&t=PuIWpZ3ARFDh7wKp-1&scaling=scale-down SnowUI This page was made with SnowUI. SnowUI is a Design System and UI Kit created with Figma. Learn more ๐Ÿ‘‰ snowui.byewind.com Update All updates will be posted on my Twitter feed. twitter.com/FarewelltoWind
ByeWind avatar image ByeWind
Product UX/UI designer, 16 years of design experience, worked in Tencent and Alibaba, Now build SnowUI.
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Dashboard UI Kit - Dashboard (Demo) presentation image
Dashboard UI Kit - Dashboard (Demo)
by ByeWind
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