UI Kits / Dashboard Design System
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Dashboard Design System
ByeWind avatar image
by ByeWind
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Design System
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Hello! This is Dashboard Design System. It is part of Snow Dashboard UI Kit. Snow Dashboard UI Kit Snow Dashboard UI Kit is an advanced Dashboard UI kit and design system for Figma. It can help you quickly build Dashboard, SaaS and other projects, and has a very good user experience. 👉 Preview in Figma https://www.figma.com/file/pTTWqClVP5NPzmImOUiPn3/Snow-Dashboard-UI-Kit-(Preview)?type=design&node-id=757-1237&mode=design&t=6GXRe9GFe6FvPLgP-0
ByeWind avatar image ByeWind
Product UX/UI designer, 16 years of design experience, worked in Tencent and Alibaba, Now build SnowUI.
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Dashboard Design System
by ByeWind
Download (76.59 MB)