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by ByeWind
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πŸ‘‹Hello! This from SnowUI. SnowUI SnowUI is a design system and UI Kit created with Figma. It supports multi-terminal responses for desktop, tablet and mobile devices, and is suitable for developing various types of applications. πŸ‘‰ Preview in Figma https://www.figma.com/file/PAA0JKidFMVK44KRRWB1zL/SnowUI?type=design&node-id=16-13406&mode=design&t=cQN4xujZLF87y0DL-0
ByeWind avatar image ByeWind
Product UX/UI designer, 16 years of design experience, worked in Tencent and Alibaba, Now build SnowUI.
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Projects page
by ByeWind
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