Illustrations / Photoshop & Fresco Brushes - Pencil / Sketching bundle
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Photoshop & Fresco Brushes - Pencil / Sketching bundle
andreaga avatar image
by andreaga
Compatible with
Adobe Photoshop
Personal & Commercial Use
Author provides the license
30 brushes
Sketch brushes
Buy for $4
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Here's a collection of more than 30 of my favorite pencils, charcoal, graphite, and sketch brushes for Photoshop. All brushes react to pen pressure and tilt angle. Tip: Use the brushes by pressing gently and then with more force You can use opacity and flow too
andreaga avatar image andreaga
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Photoshop & Fresco Brushes - Pencil / Sketching bundle presentation image
Photoshop & Fresco Brushes - Pencil / Sketching bundle
Buy for $4