Illustrations / Graphite - Pencil Brushes for Procreate
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Graphite - Pencil Brushes for Procreate
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by andreaga
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For Procreate 5+
Buy for $4
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Enjoy this collection of brushes for Procreate 5+, essential for your illustrations. This pack has a setup video and an optional setup to give each brush more movement. Graphite Sketch 13 graphite, charcoal, textured, filled brushes, ideal for sketching and using them for the colored pencil technique. The graphite pack is specially created for lovers of sketches and techniques with colored pencils. There are special brushes for outlines, fillings, mix with crayon, and various types of charcoal that will make your perfect illustration.
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Graphite - Pencil Brushes for Procreate presentation image Graphite - Pencil Brushes for Procreate presentation image
Graphite - Pencil Brushes for Procreate
Buy for $4