Design Tips / T-shaped skilled Designer
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T-shaped skilled Designer
T-shaped skilled Designer @kamiltatol - T-shaped skills is one of the most essential concepts, especially in the Product Design industry. Being aware of that, you can design your professional path and consiously choose which skills do you need to acquire. How to take advantage of the 2 different dimensions of skills to grow professionally and become indispensable? There are 2 major dimentions of skills:
1/ Specialist 2/ Generalist By combination of these 2, you can become a T-skilled designer, and become a profile that most of the companies are looking for🔥 If you will spend 10+ years in the industry, at some point you might achieve the proficiency in many different aspects and become the "UX Unicorn". If you will do so - let me know! 😅 It's essential to understand clients or the employer's perspective on the two dimensions of skills. By the nature of work and challenges, startups often lean towards people that are good at many different aspects, while big corporation looks for experts. It’s not a rule, though, so always try to verify who they are looking for. How to find You Career Path? While some people prefer to be in the middle of everything (i.e., Product Managers or Product Owners), other love spending all day long in Figma, AE, or coding. By the end of the day, there are good or wrong answers — it’s all about you and where do you want to be in a few years. Choose wisely!