Design Tips / Is User Experience All About The Look?
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Is User Experience All About The Look?
by Hyper
Is User Experience All About The Look? - By: @teamhyper & @bojanovakovic - "We often hear of founders struggling with deciding on colours, fonts and photos to create the best look for their prototype. 🤷🏻‍♂️ . Many times, they will ask for different versions of the same screen, wanting to create the best experience for their users, but all while struggling to find something that satisfies them. . And as much as we empathise with their drive for perfection, there is a common misconception we need to correct. 🛠 . The truth of the matter is user experience is more than your app’s looks. Your app’s good looks have to showcase well-thought-out functionality, and they have to do it in a way that resonates with your users." . - Want to learn more about UI/UX? Check our IGTV @ui_gradient