How to Design an Interview Guide?
How to Design an Interview Guide?
This guide is focused on a formative test, It’s a stage where we want to validate a proposal. The participants of this test are the moderator, observer and the Notetaker.
1⃣ Welcome:
To start we must mention these points:
- Thank you for your time.
- Introduce ourselves, who are we?
- Explain to the user why we are doing this test.
- There are no right or wrong answers, we’re interested in knowing your experience.
2⃣ Profile information:
- What is your name?
- What is your age?
- Mention who you live with.
- What is your job?
- Activities or things you like to do in your free time.
3⃣ Test objective:
- The moderator explains the type of test (usability test, concept and others).
- In the test, we must indicate that he thinks out loud.
4⃣ Detect stories:
- The positive moments and frustrations.
- Detect contradictions between what they say and do
- Understand why they do what they do.
- Understand the things that influence your actions and behaviors in your environment such as friends, family, places, etc.
5⃣ Clarify
- It’s not about re-exploring with the user, if not clarifying points, for this, the best technique is “paraphrase”.
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