Design Tips / How to Be More Valuable to Your New Clients
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How to Be More Valuable to Your New Clients
8 Tips On How to Be More Valuable for Your (New) Clients 🔥 - AUTHOR: @lubosvolkov - ________ Landing a new client is always hard but keeping the client satisfied can be even harder … Today we are going to look into tips on how to be more valuable for your clients … Let’s do that. ________ 🧐 Why you should read this post? ____ Getting a new client is always very hard and in fact expensive … You need to invest time and money into the onboarding … If you can develop a relationship with one client for a longer period of time it can lead to higher income and reduce your stress … These tips are going to make you more valuable for your new and existing clients. . What you will find in the post? ____ 1️⃣ Always be on time on every single meeting. 2️⃣ Every client likes over-delivery. 3️⃣ Make the entire process about them. 4️⃣ Be prepared for every single meeting. 5️⃣ Share summary of your meeting in the chat. 6️⃣ Share progress updates with them daily. 7️⃣ Remain calm and professional in every situation. 8️⃣ Offer them your personal talent network. . 🤯 Key takeaways ____ Building a long-lasting relationship with a client or company is possible … You just need to make sure you are delivering the high value for the budget they invest in the project … It is not just about the work itself but also about other things such as timing, communication, meetings or even source files.