7 tips how to manage data in tables
Part 4. UX of data tables. Today, let me give you my take on the topic of managing data in tables.
So here is 7 tips I’ve put together for you
1️⃣Actions column
Classic option. Most often placed at the end of the table. And remember these things
2️⃣Right click
A very useful option is to provide actions menu on the right click. But be careful with touch devices and provide other options
3️⃣Actions panel
A great option when you have selectable items in the table. Touch-friendly.
4️⃣Primary action + more button
The primary action always has a visible button and other actions hides in “more”
5️⃣On hover
Great space saver. As disadvantages are always blinking icons, not touch-friendly
Action panel works great here. Show the number of selected items. Only common actions showed. As a bonus still show item specific actions icon.
7️⃣In-line edit
Make it very easy to understand the record avaiable for edit, and how to exit and save.
Hope that was helpful, drop me a comment!
Thank you 👋