Design Tips / 7 TED TALKS for UX Designers
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7 TED TALKS for UX Designers
🎬If you’re passionate about UX design, we strongly suggest that you watch these seven inspiring TED Talks. ⠀ 1️⃣Don Norman The three ways that good design makes you happy In this talk, Don Norman goes into the three emotional cues required for a well-designed product to succeed. ⠀ 2️⃣John Maeda Designing for Simplicity Listen to John Maeda discuss the importance of getting back down to the basics. ⠀ 3️⃣Rochelle King The complex relationship between data and design in UX Rochelle King, Spotify’s senior designer, explains her process of a major website redesign. ⠀ 4️⃣David Kelley How to build your creative confidence Through stories borrowed from his own professional and personal life, David Kelley shares suggestions for finding the confidence to create. ⠀ 5️⃣Tony Fadell The first secret of great design Do you know the first secret of design? In this light talk, Tony Fadell explains that it’s really quite simple. ⠀ 6️⃣Johannes Ippen Humans, not Users: Why UX is a Problem Is great UX design coming at too great an expense? Learn more from Johannes Ippen in this insightful talk. ⠀ 7️⃣Phill Motuzas Creating Next Generation User Experiences In this TED Talk, Phill Motuzas talks about user interaction design and what might be coming up in UX. ⠀ ✅Do yourself a favour to look up these inspiring TED Talks and sink in some free knowledge to further your UX design career!