Design Tips / 6 Tips for freelance designers
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6 Tips for freelance designers
01 – Pick a niche As simple and repetitive as it sounds it’s still true. Picking a niche is essential when starting out as a freelancer. Being specific about what you do is really helpful for your clients to understand what you do and how you can help them. 02 – Brand yourself Branding yourself is very important to take you for people to take you seriously. Getting a website, email domain and a logo for yourself is good thing to have. I was 4 years into the industry and only made my personal brand this year. Better late than never. 03 – Outsource Let’s face it. You can’t do it all by yourself. Learn to ask help from other designers to improve your projects. 04 – Organise your workspace Keeping your workspace clean and clutter-free will help you big time in the creative process. Make sure to be distraction free. 05 – Make connections Networking is a great way to build reputation and will help you in landing more clients. People are more likely to but from someone they know and trust. 06 - Be nice Being nice to people wether they are potential clients or simply asking for help is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Good word of mouth is very important if you want to grow as a freelancer.