UI Kits / TheProjekts Design System For Figma
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TheProjekts Design System For Figma
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by TheProjekts
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Personal & Commercial Use
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Integrated with tokens ( Tokens studio )
Auto layout V4
Component nested Properties
Smart Variants
Include JSON (Design Tokens)
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The design system is not always for designers team. but design systems can be used by developers too. We don't want them to get headaches when we first start converting the design system into a code library and defining the color, spacing, typography, and so on. Our mission is to make developers worry-free by defining global style. let the designer handle that.  you (the developer ) can focus build the component.  We want to introduce the design tokens as a standard deliverable from designers to developers.  this is a future design system with tokens. and it will support many platforms such as interplay, supernova, specify app, and more.. 
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TheProjekts Design System For Figma presentation image TheProjekts Design System For Figma presentation image
TheProjekts Design System For Figma
Buy for $99