Design Tips / Usability testing in 4 steps
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Usability testing in 4 steps
Usability Testing in 4 steps . 1️⃣ Prepare for a testing - Figure out what you’re going to test - Decide what kind(s) of users you want to test with, and recruit participants - Create your list of tasks to test - Choose a platform for testing (for remote testing) - Prepare your prototype . 2️⃣ Schedule the session Send email to the participants with time slots (you can use Calendly for that), a link to prototype, and location of the meeting. . 3️⃣ Start Testing! - Make sure whatever you’re testing is working and accessible online or offline - Test video and audio before session - Hit record and start the session! . 4️⃣ Review and share results Highlight key issues, insights, quotes, thoughts from each session immediately after. Create a report with the results and share it with your team and stakeholders. . Thank you for attention! Hope it's helpful for you. Don't be shy to share your questions and thoughts in comments below. 👇