Design Tips / UX Design Process Guide
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UX Design Process Guide
UX Design Process Guide 🗺 . In that post I collected almost all topics (and even more) on UX design and research that I discussed earlier and put them on a project timeline. . 👉 Save this guide for later, and check it every time when you have a question "Where should I use X or Y method?". . 1️⃣ Understand Before you get started with any project, you need to understand the user problem and business goals. . 2️⃣ Empathize Empathy is at the heart of design. Without an understanding of what others see, feel, and experience, the design is a pointless task. . 3️⃣ Ideation Ideation is an interactive and collaborative method to explore all of the possible solutions, good and bad, before narrowing down what ideas to move forward with. . 4️⃣ Prototype A prototype is a simulation of the final product. Basically, it’s a version of a product that takes us as close as possible to a good representation of an application or website. . 5️⃣ Test Put ideas in front of users, get their feedback, and refine the design. It’s important to understand that the earlier you test, the easier it is to make changes. . 6️⃣ Launch & Measure Your work as a UX designer doesn’t stop with releasing a product. User experience is an ongoing process that continues for as long as a product will be used by people. . The process was described linearly, however, you don’t have to follow any specific order, and do iterations as many times as needed. . 👋 Do you find it useful?