Design Tips / The power of White Space in UI design
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The power of White Space in UI design
The power of White Space in UI design - By: @_ayushjangra_ - “Let’s reduce the empty space a little so that we present the user with more content at once.” - The Client - How many of you have heard this line from your clients. - Clients usually argue and push the tendency that we should condense the content by reducing the negative space with the idea that we are presenting the user with more valuable content at once. Showing more content in one view doesn’t necessarily accomplish that. That is the myth of “less scrolling”. By giving the UI elements more space, we, as designers, contribute to the emotional aspect of the user experience. We add more breathing space in the UI and relax the overall interaction of the user’s experience with the UI. - Spacing makes the UI breathe and the user feels more comfortable exploring it. - Did you guys had any such experience where you had to explain the importance of white space and convince the client to keep that negative space, let me know in the comments below! - Cheers! 👋