Design Tips / Six Ways to Improve Your Visual Skills
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Six Ways to Improve Your Visual Skills
⚑6 Ways to Improve Your Visual Skills @hazicsaba Becoming excellent in visual design (UI) will not happen overnight. Above everything else, it takes... LOOOOOOTS OF PRACTICE It's like learning a new musical instrument. If you want to learn the piano, you need to train your muscles and your ears. When you work on your visual skills, it's not about how well you can handle Figma/Sketch, but training your eyes to see the details that makes a great UI. Learning how to find the correct sizing and alignment for elements. How to pick and pair typefaces that work together. Understanding how you can create visual hierarchy on the screen by moving elements closer or further to each other. So, here are 6 techniques to boost this process: πŸ‘‰ Copy great designs and great designers! -> Put your ego on the side. Learn to identify GOOD designs and try to copy it pixel by pixel. By doing so, you LEARN how to do it and your eyes are getting use to seeing proper designs. Your eyes will remember after some time ;) πŸ‘‰ Study design patterns. Patterns are good, esp when you are starting out. Study them, read the do's and don'ts on πŸ‘‰ Study font pairing - which typesface goes well together. AND how to use different fonts (styles) to create contrast and hierarchy. πŸ‘‰ Use color palettes. Picking colors are tricky when you are starting out. πŸ‘‰ Do the 100 day UI challenge. Don't stress about how much you can do from the 100 tasks. πŸ‘‰ Get a mentor to help you out! What do you think? Do you have any more tips on how to train your eyes and boost your visual skills?