Design Tips / How to be efficient on freelance?
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How to be efficient on freelance?
How to be efficient on freelance? - @konstantinzhuck - Hey! I am working as a freelancer for almost 5 years. I know how it is hard to concentrate on a job, how to rule everything and sleep for more than 5 hours. I prepare 4 amazing tips which will help you to become 10x more productive and feel much better.⠀⠀ - 1. Set working hours like you are working at the office. - That's very important. You should begin with setting 4-6 hours in your day for work. You should start and end at the same time. Your brain will understand your schedule and adapt to your workflow to work better. Don't overwork! I recommend to work max 6 hours per day and spent more time on education and health. Use @notion / Google calendar / Apple calendar for the setting the schedule. - 2. Use pomodoro technique. - That's a very popular technique that helps you to stay productive for a whole day. The main thing is to rest every 25 minutes. So your cycle will be like 25 mins work + 5 mins rest. Don't use your computer or smartphone when rest! Make some sport exercises to cheer up your brain. Use @focusboosterapp for pomodoro technique.⠀⠀ - 3. To do list. - When you have a plan it's much more easy to concentrate on work. You know exactly what you need to do. And you give your brain opportunity not to think about things you need to do. Also! Make max 2-3 complex big items and max 5-6 small. And start your day by finishing the hardest ones. Plan your day before you go to bed. You will wake up with an understanding of what you should do today. - 4. Divide big tasks to smaller ones. - Big tasks could take 2-4 hours. And it will be much better for your brain to pass 10 small tasks instead of 1 big. It's like a competition. Closing 10 tasks sounds more impressively, right?