Design Tips / How to Actually Be Creative
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How to Actually Be Creative
8 Tips How to Actually Be Creative & Avoid Burnt out 🔥 ___________ Creativity is an essential part of the design job ... However, we often lose it due to various reasons ... In today's post, we are going to look into a few tricks which will help you to reclaim your creativity. ___________ 📌Why you should read this post? _____ Designers are often hired based on their creativity … How they can approach a certain problem(s) and come up with a smart & creative solution … However, being creative is not as easy as it seems … We often waste our creativity on the non-important task or we lose it with uninterrupted work sessions … Learning how to recharge and maintain your creativity is essential for your career. . What you will find in the post? _____ 1️⃣Create a daily to-do list & manage your time 2️⃣Take breaks and do that very very often 3️⃣Learn to say no projects and money 4️⃣Finish projects you've already started 5️⃣Challenge yourself with a creative exercise 6️⃣Have other ideally offline activities 7️⃣Have a coffee or two with another designer 8️⃣Learn how to get fully disconnected . 🤯 Key takeaways _____ I believe that creativity is like a muscle ... You need to feed it with a good inspiration, give it some rest after a long day of work and then challenge it with new tasks ... The most important thing is to take effective breaks which will allow you and your entire mind to relax ... Then you can fully focus on the task and find creative solutions. ___________ ⁉️Which one is your favorite tip? Let me know the number in the comments below.