Design Tips / Good Design Is Innovative
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Good Design Is Innovative
The 10 Principles of Good Design - Author: @primedivision - Dieter Rams, one of the most influential industrial designers of the last 50 years, has had a truly remarkable impact on the design industry and the overall concept of product design as we know it today. - Rams held a firm belief that good design can only come from understanding people. He urged everyone – not just designers – to take responsibility for the state of the world around them. Rams has been outspoken throughout his whole career about putting an end to wastefulness and drawing attention to the importance of preserving the earth’s limited natural resources. - Steve Jobs and Jony Ive famously admired the work of Braun designer Dieter Rams. And that admiration can often be found seeping into Apple's own products. In fact, a lot of Apple’s products can be likened to those from Braun. -⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣