Design Tips / Designing for wearable devices
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Designing for wearable devices
Testing out a new type of content let’s see how it goes 🙄 feedback is appreciated 😃 “Designing for wearable devices” 01 – Don’t be afraid to make things bigger 🔭 I know that we as designers almost heard to make things bigger more than anything in our lives, but this is a different case. Wearable devices have a very small display real estate so it is okay to use big fonts or images so that things are easier for your users to quickly glance through their screen. 02 – Shorter user sessions ⏱ Wearable tech shouldn't interrupt its users so does your UI and UX design. Using lightweight interactions such as swiping and scrolling which is very easy for users to interact with is a good idea. 03 – Utlilize vocal communication 🗣 Voice commands are a great way to keep your UI fluent and fast. Definitely something to add to your toolbox. 04 – Keep in mind screen size. 📐 When designing make sure that your design works in multiple screen sizes. 05 – Visual Feedback 👁 Visual feedback of whether the task was performed successfully or failed is a good thing to show in a small device so the user could be assured that the task was performed in a glance. I hope you enjoyed this post. ☺️ Feel free to share it with a friend or to save for later. 🤙