Design Tips / A great process: a great success
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A great process: a great success
A great process is the synonym of a great success. - By: - Published by: @ui_gradient - How to have a good process can help you to succeed. Part of a designer's success is deeply based on how well organized his work process is, a bad process leads in the 100% of cases to false expectations, failed deadlines, money loss and many others; That is why today I want to share my own internal creative process with you all, be inspired, learn and above all apply it. 1.Brief & Estimation: Define and clarify the scope of your project, what the client needs and how long it takes you to do it, as well as how much you’ll bill the client for it. Remember: Leave it all in a small doc to have clear records at any time 2.Kick Off. It is usually when the client makes an initial payment (Usually 50% of the total price), also a proof and of payment is necessary and serves as a statement that the project has started successfuly 3.Information Architecture & Wireframes. It is the gathering of customer project information. This is mandatory to avoid possible changes. I recommend not working until this stage is complete. Also, a work on prototypes and drafts of the design could be made. 4.Feedback. This is a very important one because we listen the general opinions of the client and his point of view. 5.Usability Testing & Validation. Here we must be 100% sure that what we are doing is well done (QA) and if it is 100% usable by people, we carry out design tests and verifications with different people and take notes of their comments.