Design Tips / 8 layers to perfect button design
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8 layers to perfect button design
πŸ™ˆ A button is just a rectangle with a value surely? It may seem this simple but your buttons should be designed as a scalable, state based component not just a rectangle. ⁣ β € ⚑️ This article covers every layer your buttons need with exact dimensions and 8pt scaling system. ⁣ β € ⁣ β € πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ Every button should begin as a masked base. From here everything within fits the size of your buttons.⁣ β € ⁣ β € 🐁🐐🐘 Set your button sizes with 32px, 40px and 48px for large buttons ⁣ β € ⁣ β € 🎨 later on your colors which can be toggled depending on the type of button. ⁣ β € ⁣ β € πŸ₯… borders should match the colours of your buttons. Layer these in. ⁣ β € ⁣ β € βœ… States are best done with opaque layering vs a darker shade of the button color. This reduces your palette and keep everything consistent. ⁣ β € ⁣ β € ⭐️ Value is the text or icon within the button. Text wise, create your styles using 14px and 16px font size with 24px line height. Super clean for the 8pt system. ⁣ β € ⁣ β € ☁️ Padding wise follow the 8pt rule and scale things nicely with each button size. ⁣ β € ⁣ β € πŸ”₯ Icons should be contained in a square that matches your button masks height. ⁣ β € ⁣ β € 〰️ Constraints. These are so powerful for scaling your buttons dimensions and size! ⁣ β € ⁣ β € πŸ™Œ I hope you find this post useful and start creating component buttons that are reusable and consistent! β €