Design Tips / 8 Tips Design for Developers
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8 Tips Design for Developers
⚡ How to Prepare your Design for Development: - By: @the.dsgnr - Published by: @ui_gradient - This is one of those things you learn by practice. From my personal experience of more than 7 years working closely with other designers and developers, these are the most common mistakes you should avoid and a few tips which may help you while handing your design file to the developer. ——— Also here are some sources to help you get started and better understand this article: ——— 📦 Design Systems Material Design by Google Human Interface Guidelines by Apple Carbon Design System by IBM Fluent Design System by Microsoft — 🎨 Color Palletes: paletton coolors colorhunt — 🌀 Free icons: iconmonstr icofont — 🅰️ Free web fonts: Fontsquirrel Fontstruct Google Fonts — 🚤 Prototyping tools: Invision Flinto Adobe XD JustInMind — 🔗 Hand-off Tools: Zeplin Invision Avocode Marvel Supernova