Mockups / Branding & Stationery Mockup Dark Mode
Branding & Stationery Mockup Dark Mode cover image
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Branding & Stationery Mockup Dark Mode
Lifestyle Project avatar image
by Lifestyle Project
Compatible with
Adobe Photoshop
For personal use
License info
Use your own artwork
Choose your own background color
Show/Hide your own shadow overlay
Adjustable intensity of shadow overlay
Adjustable intensity of paper texture
- A5 - (2) Business Card 3.5" x 2" - Envelop
Download (38.23 MB)
Create beautiful, minimalist stationery mockup scenes with this freebie. Simply drag and drop your artwork in the smart object layers and save. --- Features - Use your own artwork - Choose your own background color - Show/Hide your own shadow overlay - Adjustable intensity of shadow overlay - Adjustable intensity of paper texture Paper Size - A5 - (2) Business Card 3.5" x 2" - Envelope - 6" x 9" --- Note: Photographs featured in the preview are not included in the download.
Lifestyle Project avatar image Lifestyle Project
Digital Design Store
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Branding & Stationery Mockup Dark Mode presentation image Branding & Stationery Mockup Dark Mode presentation image Branding & Stationery Mockup Dark Mode presentation image
Branding & Stationery Mockup Dark Mode
Download (38.23 MB)