MaterialPro React Redux Admin Dashboard Template
Compatible with
Personal & Commercial Use
50+ Page Templates
300+ UI Components
6+ unique dashboards
3400+ Font icons
Completely responsive pages
Widgets and UI components
MaterialPro React Redux is a React & Redux admin template with a pixel-perfect design and clean & reusable code.
It is highly customizable and comes with a wide range of features to help you build your web applications faster and easier.
This template is based on React framework and modular design that provides a cutting edge to its users with full customization options. The designed material UI admin panel is responsive and offers a lucrative bunch of components, elements, and widgets based on the react framework and has availed ready-to-use plugins. It comes with dedicated 1-year support by the excellent WrapPixel team and free 1 Year updates.
Features :-
RTL Dashboard version
50+ Page Templates
300+ UI Components
5 unique demos
PSDs & XD for Dashboard Pages
4+ unique dashboards
3000+ Font icons
Completely responsive pages
Charts & tables
Dark and light sidebar themes
React redux with redux-thunk to applymiddleware
Axios-based apps to make API call
Widgets and UI components
Validation forms
Application Designs
6 color skins
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