3D / AVATARZ 2: cute 3D avatars
AVATARZ 2: cute 3D avatars cover image
AVATARZ 2: cute 3D avatars
ThreeDee avatar image
by ThreeDee
Compatible with
Personal & Commercial Use
Author provides the license
8,000+ PNGs rendered out of the box
400,000,000+ combinations
36 types of hair, 3 color skins
8 types of facial expressions, Lipsync
Various poses with 3D objects
54 types of clothes, 16 types of accessories
Buy for $49
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AVATARZ 2 is a lovely 3D library of diverse avatars for any of your projects. You can use them in your products or for marketing (social media posts, landing pages, blogs, newsletters, etc.). Or if you want - for your personal use. What is included? 📦 • 54 types of clothes (25 for a male, 29 for a female), • 16 types of accessories (7 for a male, 9 for a female), • 36 types of hair (24 for a man, 12 for a woman), • 8 types of facial expressions, • 3 color skins • Various poses with 3D objects • Lipsync and much more! :) = 400,000,000+ combinations (8,000+ PNGs rendered out of the box) — Blender source files — Blender generator for easier manipulation with the avatar — Tutorial included Unboxing video: https://youtu.be/FNNhwrxXZL4 LICENSE 📝 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nzJ_npNWaOrhpTf9d1C613jMjsHvF_wGl0mPxu1lHsg/edit?usp=sharing ✉️ In case of any questions (or if you want a custom model avatar), please reach out to us samuel@threedee.design For more libraries, visit us at: www.threedee.design
ThreeDee avatar image ThreeDee
Lovely ❤️ 3D libraries to stand out your projects & products in the busy world.
AVATARZ 2: cute 3D avatars
Buy for $49